Corporate Citizenship
Our company places immense emphasis on the social impact of its business activity. Thus, a key part of Plastimak's strategy and vision is the contribution to issues of major environmental and social importance.
The protection of the environment, the smallest possible environmental footprint and the ecological orientation are Plastimak's firm commitments. For these reasons, it has developed and implemented, at all stages of production, environmental impact control procedures.
Specifically, Plastimak:
• Offers eco-friendly products, under the brand EcoMak®, that allow companies to increase the sustainability of their packaging.
• Operates an organic combustion system (Regenerative Thermal Oxidizer).
• Operates a distillation tower for the recycling of used solvents.
• Implements an environmental plan for the collection, transportation and management of hazardous waste.
• Uses heat-exchange systems to reduce its carbon footprint through energy savings.
• Collects and delivers for recycling all the recyclable waste from the production process.
• Carries out recycling of paper, electronic material and recyclable waste.
• Fully implements all the requirements of Greek legislation related to the environment.
With a deep sense of responsibility towards people and society, with sensitivity and discretion, Plastimak actively supports vulnerable social groups and associations-organizations recognized for their contribution to the community. With the provision of financial resources and volunteer work, Plastimak's people are active members of their community. Noteworthy has been the selfless contribution of Plastimak's people to various noble causes, as shown by their high turnover at the now-established Plastimak Blood Donation Day or their participation in the Thessaloniki Night Half Marathon where the proceeds supported Ahtida - Association of Parents and Friends of Autistic Individuals.
Plastimak strives to show the same care and respect to its employees, with excellent working relationships and ongoing efforts to improve health and safety conditions. Plastimak commits and implements the Ethical Trading Initiative (ETI) Code and publishes all information at Supplier Ethical Trading Exchange (SEDEX) regarding working conditions within the company.